Our company supports small businesses and shopping local! We want to save shipping resources and grow communities (in more ways than one). One of our goals is to promote home composting by making it as easy and successful as possible, so that people can make their own yards beautiful and healthy! Whether they are growing food or ornamental plants, they will save money on amendments, fertilizers, and water!

Due to the above goals, we are mostly interested in partnering with small garden nurseries, botanical garden gift shops, and similar businesses around the country.

The tools are very highly rated and loved by the composters who use them.
We are excited to get more Cranks into more hands and bins to help people compost!

Thank you, and happy future composting to your customers!


Instructions -

Just fill out the form below and email or mail us a copy of each of your business licenses. We will contact you as soon as possible, though please allow 1-2 weeks for a response.

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